Paul Mallamo

Fitness and Sobriety Coach

Helping you get fit and stay sober
Short—Simple—Science based

Hi, I am excited to help you learn how to stay sober with weightlifting. Read my book or invite me to present to your group – Virtual or Live.

About Paul

Paul Mallamo – has written the book on how to stay sober with weightlifting. He has a Master’s of Science in education with an emphasis in exercise physiology and a license in addiction counseling. Paul uses weight training as a key component to successful addiction recovery in the Kansas City area and beyond. He calls this “sober lifting,” which is lifting weights with the express intent of staying sober. Read his book and learn how to stay sober and improve your health and fitness.

Our Values & Beliefs

Paul believes in "Intentionality"

Weight lifting with an objective beyond looking good. Our goal is to change your brain chemistry with weight lifting similar to changes made by alcohol and drugs. You can get your “bounce” in a healthy, sustainable way.

Paul does not believe in shame or guilt

Every individual, no matter his/her challenges, deserves to be treated with respect and courtesy. Let go of any guilt or shame you are feeling as you work toward improved sobriety and fitness.

Paul believes fitness should be fun

We love fitness training, and we think it should be fun. We hope our enjoyment of fitness training will rub off on you.

Our Approach

We believe in meeting each person where they are. Not everyone gets sober the same way. However, there are a few constants that can make the path to lasting sobriety more achievable.

  • We believe workouts should be enjoyable.
  • We believe you can achieve fitness and sobriety with the same workout.
  • Integrating two or three workouts into your weekly schedule makes all the difference.

We believe you can learn how to stay sober, and lifting weights can help you on that path. Read Paul’s book on Lift4Sobriety, or arrange for Paul to present to your group. Live or virtual presentations are available.

how to stay sober with a personal coach

Don’t Wait Any Longer. Let us help you get fit and stay sober!