The importance of drinking lots of clean, clear water during recovery cannot be overstated. Yes, you will make more trips to the restroom during the day, but your system will thank you for this in three ways: improved mood, sleep, and yes, even strength. Lifters in particular understand the importance of water in system functioning: if a weight just will not go up but should, have a big cup of water and sit on the bench for ten minutes – then try again. Success! Amazing how this works.
The same holds true for those in recovery, especially early recovery. Lots of water hydrates both body and brain, the latter, of course, being critically important. Noticing the difference in brain function before and after a big glass of water in the middle of a busy day is all it takes to convince even a skeptic that water is valuable.
Interestingly, drinking clear, cool water itself is vastly superior to soft drinks or even vitamin drinks which are, of course, mostly water. The reason for this is absorption, and the immediate uptake of H20 by the systems that need it most, including brain, circulatory system, digestive system and musculature. There’s an old saying about the importance of “peeing clear” which indicates that your system is ridding itself of worn-out blood products. The lighter the color, the more complete the cleaning – and that’s a good thing. Keep it up!